Paper Session

Order In Session Title Authors
1 Follow my Advice: Assume-Guarantee Approach to Task Planning with Human in the Loop Georg Schuppe (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)*, Ilaria Torre (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Iolanda Leite (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Jana Tumova (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
2 Autonomous Justification for Enabling Explainable Decision Support in Human-Robot Teaming Matthew Luebbers (University of Colorado Boulder)*, Aaquib Tabrez (University of Colorado Boulder), Kyler Ruvane (University of Colorado), Bradley Hayes (University of Colorado Boulder)
3 Enabling Team of Teams: A Trust Inference and Propagation (TIP) Model in Multi-Human Multi-Robot Teams Yaohui Guo (University of Michigan), X. Jessie Yang (University of Michigan), Cong Shi (University of Michigan)*
4 Investigating the Impact of Experience on a User's Ability to Perform Hierarchical Abstraction Nina M Moorman (Georgia Tech)*, Nakul Gopalan (Arizona State University), Aman Singh (Georgia Tech), Erin Botti (Georgia Tech), Mariah Schrum (Georgia Tech), Chuxuan Yang (Georgia Tech), Lakshmi Seelam (Georgia Tech), Matthew Gombolay (Georgia Tech)
5 Robot Learning on the Job: Human-in-the-Loop Autonomy and Learning During Deployment Huihan Liu (UT Austin)*, Soroush Nasiriany (UT Austin), Lance Zhang (UT Austin), Zhiyao Bao (UT Austin), Yuke Zhu (UT Austin)
6 Robotic Table Tennis: A Case Study into a High Speed Learning System David B D'Ambrosio (Google Inc)*, Navdeep Jaitly (Apple ), Vikas Sindhwani (Google Inc), Ken Oslund (Google Inc), Peng Xu (Google Inc), Nevena Lazic (Google DeepMind), Anish Shankar (Google Inc), Tianli Ding (Google Inc), Jonathan Abelian (Google Inc), Erwin Coumans (NVIDIA), 
7 SAR: Generalization of Physiological Dexterity via Synergistic Action Representation Cameron H Berg (Meta AI)*, Vittorio Caggiano (Meta AI), Vikash Kumar (University of Washington)
8 One Policy to Dress Them All: Learning to Dress People with Diverse Poses and Garments Yufei Wang (Carnegie Mellon University)*, Zhanyi Sun (Carnegie Mellon University), Zackory Erickson (Carnegie Mellon University), David Held (Carnegie Mellon University)
1 Teach a Robot to FISH: Versatile Imitation from One Minute of Demonstrations Siddhant Haldar (New York University)*, Jyothish Pari (New York University), Anant Rai (New York University), Lerrel Pinto (New York University)
2 GenAug: Retargeting behaviors to unseen situations via Generative Augmentation Qiuyu Chen (University of Washington)*, Shosuke C Kiami (University of Washington), Abhishek Gupta (University of Washington), Vikash Kumar (University of Washington)
3 Behavior Retrieval: Few-Shot Imitation Learning by Querying Unlabeled Datasets Maximilian Du (Stanford University), Suraj Nair (Stanford University)*, Dorsa Sadigh (Stanford University), Chelsea Finn (Stanford University)
4 Structured World Models from Human Videos Russell Mendonca (Carnegie Mellon University)*, Shikhar Bahl (Carnegie Mellon University), Deepak Pathak (Carnegie Mellon University)
5 PATO: Policy Assisted TeleOperation for Scalable Robot Data Collection Shivin Dass (University of Southern California), Karl Pertsch (University of Southern California)*, Hejia Zhang (University of Southern California), Youngwoon Lee (University of California, Berkeley), Joseph J Lim (KAIST), Stefanos Nikolaidis (University of Southern California)
6 To the Noise and Back: Diffusion for Shared Autonomy Takuma Yoneda (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)*, Luzhe Sun (University of Chicago), Ge Yang (University of Chicago), Bradly C Stadie (Vector Institute), Matthew R Walter (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)
7 AnyTeleop: A General Vision-Based Dexterous Robot Arm-Hand Teleoperation System Yuzhe Qin (University of California San Diego)*, Wei Yang (NVIDIA), Binghao Huang (University of California San Diego), Karl Van Wyk (NVIDIA), Hao Su (University of California San Diego), Xiaolong Wang (University of California San Diego), Yu-Wei Chao (NVIDIA), Dieter Fox 
8 Learning Fine-Grained Bimanual Manipulation with Low-Cost Hardware Tony Z. Zhao (Stanford University)*, Vikash Kumar (University of Washington), Sergey Levine (University of California, Berkeley), Chelsea Finn (Stanford University)
1 Self-Supervised Unseen Object Instance Segmentation via Long-Term Robot Interaction Yangxiao Lu (UT Dallas)*, Ninad A Khargonkar (UT Dallas), Zesheng Xu (UT Dallas), Charles Averill (UT Dallas), Kamalesh Palanisamy (UT Dallas), Kaiyu Hang (Rice University), Yunhui Guo (UT Dallas), Nicholas Ruozzi (UT Dallas), Yu Xiang (UT Dallas)
2 Self-Supervised Visuo-Tactile Pretraining to Locate and Follow Garment Features Justin Kerr (University of California, Berkeley)*, Huang Huang (University of California, Berkeley), Albert Wilcox (University of California, Berkeley), Ryan I Hoque (University of California, Berkeley), Jeffrey Ichnowski (Carnegie Mellon University), Roberto Calandra (Technical University Dresden), Ken Goldberg (University of California, 
3 Pre-Training for Robots: Offline RL Enables Learning New Tasks in a Handful of Trials Aviral Kumar (University of California, Berkeley)*, Anikait Singh (University of California, Berkeley), Frederik D Ebert (University of California, Berkeley), Mitsuhiko Nakamoto (University of California, Berkeley), Yanlai Yang (New York University), Chelsea Finn (Stanford University), Sergey Levine (University of California, Berkeley) 
4 Sampling-based Exploration for Reinforcement Learning of Dexterous Manipulation Gagan Khandate (Columbia University)*, Siqi Shang (Columbia University), Eric T Chang (Columbia University), Tristan L Saidi (Columbia University), Johnson Adams (Columbia University), Matei Ciocarlie (Columbia University)
5 Cherry-Picking with Reinforcement Learning Yunchu Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University), Liyiming Ke (University of Washington)*, Abhay Deshpande (University of Washington), Abhishek Gupta (University of Washington), Siddhartha Srinivasa (University of Washington)
6 Deep RL at Scale: Sorting Waste in Office Buildings with a Fleet of Mobile Manipulators Alexander Herzog (Google X)*, Kanishka Rao (Google Inc), Karol Hausman (Google Brain), Yao Lu (Google Research), Paul Wohlhart (Google Inc), Mengyuan Yan (Google Inc), Jessica Lin (Everyday Robots), Montserrat Gonzalez Arenas (Google Inc), Ted Xiao (Google Inc), Daniel Kappler (Google 
7 Demonstrating Large-Scale Package Manipulation via Learned Metrics of Pick Success Shuai Li (Amazon), Azarakhsh Keipour (Amazon)*, Kevin Jamieson (University of Washington), Nicolas Hudson (Amazon), Charles Swan (Amazon), Kostas Bekris (Rutgers University)
8 Demonstrating Large Language Models on Robots Google DeepMind
1 RT-1: Robotics Transformer for Real-World Control at Scale Anthony Brohan (Google Research), Noah Brown (Google Research), Justice Carbajal (Google Research), Yevgen Chebotar (Google Inc), Joseph Dabis (Google Research), Chelsea Finn (Google Brain), Keerthana Gopalakrishnan (Google Inc), Karol Hausman (Google Brain)*, Alexander Herzog (Google X), Jasmine Hsu (Google Inc), 
2 Diffusion Policy: Visuomotor Policy Learning via Action Diffusion Cheng Chi (Columbia University)*, Siyuan Feng (Toyota Research Institute), Yilun Du (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Zhenjia Xu (Columbia University), Eric Cousineau (Toyota Research Institute), Benjamin CM Burchfiel (Toyota Research Institute), Shuran Song (Columbia University)
3 Scaling Robot Learning with Semantically Imagined Experience Tianhe Yu (Google Brain)*, Ted Xiao (Google Inc), Jonathan Tompson (Google Inc), Austin Stone (Google Inc), Su Wang (Google Inc), Anthony Brohan (Google Research), Jaspiar Singh (Google Inc), Clayton Tan (Google Inc), Dee M (Google Inc), Jodilyn Peralta (Google Inc), 
4 Goal-Conditioned Imitation Learning using Score-based Diffusion Policies Moritz Reuss (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)*, Maximilian Li (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Xiaogang Jia (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Rudolf Lioutikov (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
5 Robotic Skill Acquisition via Instruction Augmentation with Vision-Language Models Ted Xiao (Google Inc)*, Harris Chan (University of Toronto), Pierre Sermanet (Google Inc), Ayzaan Wahid (Google Inc), Anthony Brohan (Google Research), Karol Hausman (Google Brain), Sergey Levine (Google Inc), Jonathan Tompson (Google Inc)
6 Energy-based Models are Zero-Shot Planners for Compositional Scene Rearrangement Nikolaos Gkanatsios (Carnegie Mellon University)*, Ayush Jain (Carnegie Mellon University), Zhou Xian (Carnegie Mellon University), Yunchu Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University), Christopher G Atkeson (Carnegie Mellon University), Katerina Fragkiadaki (Carnegie Mellon University)
7 StructDiffusion: Language-Guided Creation of Physically-Valid Structures using Unseen Objects Weiyu Liu (Georgia Tech)*, Yilun Du (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Tucker Hermans (University of Utah), Sonia Chernova (Georgia Tech), Chris Paxton (Meta AI)
8 Language-Driven Representation Learning for Robotics Siddharth Karamcheti (Stanford University)*, Suraj Nair (Stanford University), Annie S Chen (Stanford University), Thomas Kollar (Toyota Research Institute), Chelsea Finn (Stanford University), Dorsa Sadigh (Stanford University), Percy Liang (Stanford University)
1 Local object crop collision network for efficient simulation of non-convex objects in GPU-based simulators Dongwon Son (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology)*, Beomjoon Kim (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2 GranularGym: High Performance Simulation for Robotic Tasks with Granular Materials David R Millard (University of Southern California)*, Daniel Pastor (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Joseph Bowkett (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Paul Backes (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Gaurav S Sukhatme (University of Southern California, Amazon)
3 Beyond Flat GelSight Sensors: Simulation of Optical Tactile Sensors of Complex Morphologies for Sim2Real Learning Daniel Fernandes Gomes (King's College London)*, Shan Luo (King's College London), Paolo Paoletti (University of Liverpool)
4 Rotating without Seeing: Towards In-hand Dexterity through Touch Zhao-Heng Yin (HKUST)*, Binghao Huang (University of California San Diego), Yuzhe Qin (University of California San Diego), Qifeng Chen (HKUST), Xiaolong Wang (University of California San Diego)
5 DexPBT: Scaling up Dexterous Manipulation for Hand-Arm Systems with Population Based Training Aleksei Petrenko (University of Southern California)*, Arthur Allshire (University of Toronto), Gavriel State (NVIDIA), Ankur Handa (NVIDIA), Viktor Makoviychuk (NVIDIA)
6 Hindsight States: Blending Sim & Real Task Elements for Efficient Reinforcement Learning Simon Guist (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)*, Jan Schneider (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), Vincent Berenz (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), Alexander Dittrich (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), Bernhard Schölkopf (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), 
7 IndustReal: Transferring Contact-Rich Assembly Tasks from Simulation to Reality Bingjie Tang (University of Southern California)*, Michael A Lin (Stanford University), Iretiayo A Akinola (NVIDIA), Ankur Handa (NVIDIA), Gaurav S Sukhatme (University of Southern California, Amazon), Fabio Ramos (NVIDIA), Dieter Fox (NVIDIA), Yashraj S Narang (NVIDIA)
8 SAM-RL: Sensing-Aware Model-Based Reinforcement Learning via Differentiable Physics-Based Simulation and Rendering Jun Lv (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)*, Yunhai Feng (University of California San Diego), Cheng Zhang (Meta Reality Labs Research), Shuang Zhao (University of California, Irvine), Lin Shao (National University of Singapore), Cewu Lu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
1 FurnitureBench: Reproducible Real-World Benchmark for Long-Horizon Complex Manipulation Minho Heo (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology), Youngwoon Lee (University of California, Berkeley)*, Doohyun Lee (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology), Joseph J Lim (KAIST)
2 Learning-Free Grasping of Unknown Objects Using Hidden Superquadrics Yuwei Wu (National University of Singapore)*, Weixiao Liu (Johns Hopkins University), zhiyang liu (National University of Singapore), Gregory S Chirikjian (National University of Singapore)
3 Uncertain Pose Estimation during Contact Tasks using Differentiable Contact Features Jeongmin Lee (Seoul National University), Minji Lee (Seoul National University), Dongjun Lee (Seoul National University)*
4 Simultaneous Trajectory Optimization and Contact Selection for Multi-Modal Manipulation Planning Mengchao Zhang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)*, Devesh K Jha (MERL), Arvind U Raghunathan (MERL), Kris Hauser (University of Illinois)
5 Precise Object Sliding with Top Contact via Asymmetric Dual Limit Surfaces Xili Yi (University of Michigan)*, Nima Fazeli (University of Michigan)
6 RoboNinja: Learning an Adaptive Cutting Policy for Multi-Material Objects Zhenjia Xu (Columbia University)*, Zhou Xian (Carnegie Mellon University), Xingyu Lin (University of California, Berkeley), Cheng Chi (Columbia University), Zhiao Huang (University of California San Diego), Chuang Gan (MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab), Shuran Song (Columbia University)
7 Dynamic-Resolution Model Learning for Object Pile Manipulation Yixuan Wang (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Yunzhu Li (Stanford University & University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)*, Katherine Driggs-Campbell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Li Fei-Fei (Stanford University), Jiajun Wu (Stanford University)
8 Few-shot Adaptation for Manipulating Granular Materials Under Domain Shift Yifan Zhu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)*, Pranay Thangeda (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Melkior Ornik (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Kris Hauser (University of Illinois)
1 Causal Policy Gradient for Whole-Body Mobile Manipulation Jiaheng Hu (UT Austin)*, Peter Stone (UT Austin and Sony AI), Roberto Martín-Martín (UT Austin)
2 Centralized Model Predictive Control for Collaborative Loco-Manipulation Flavio De Vincenti (ETH Zürich)*, Stelian Coros (ETH Zürich)
3 Learning and Adapting Agile Locomotion Skills by Transferring Experience Laura M Smith (University of California, Berkeley)*, J. Chase Kew (Google Brain), Tianyu Li (Meta), Linda Luu (Google Inc), Xue Bin Peng (University of California, Berkeley"), Sehoon Ha (Georgia Tech), Jie Tan (Google Inc), Sergey Levine (University of California, Berkeley) 
4 Robust and Versatile Bipedal Jumping Control through Reinforcement Learning Zhongyu Li (University of California, Berkeley)*, Xue Bin Peng (Simon Fraser University), Pieter Abbeel (University of California, Berkeley), Sergey Levine (University of California, Berkeley), Glen Berseth (Université de Montréal, Mila), Koushil Sreenath (University of California, Berkeley)
5 On discrete symmetries of robotics systems: A group-theoretic and data-driven analysis Daniel F Ordonez-Apraez (Italian Institute of Technology )*, Martin, Mario (), Antonio Agudo (CSIC-UPC), Francesc Moreno (IRI)
6 Fast Traversability Estimation for Wild Visual Navigation Jonas Frey (ETH Zürich), Matias Mattamala (University of Oxford)*, Nived Chebrolu (University of Oxford), Cesar Cadena (ETH Zürich), Maurice Fallon (University of Oxford), Marco Hutter (ETH Zürich)
7 Demonstrating Mobile Manipulation in the Wild: A Metrics-Driven Approach Max Bajracharya (Toyota Research Institute), James Borders (Toyota Research Institute), Richard Cheng (Toyota Research Institute), Dan Helmick (Toyota Research Institute), Lukas Kaul (Toyota Research Institute)*, Dan Kruse (Toyota Research Institute), John Leichty (Toyota Research Institute), Jeremy Ma (NVIDIA), Carolyn Matl 
8 Demonstrating A Walk in the Park: Learning to Walk in 20 Minutes With Model-Free Reinforcement Learning Laura M Smith (University of California, Berkeley), Ilya Kostrikov (University of California, Berkeley)*, Sergey Levine (University of California, Berkeley)
1 Non-Euclidean Motion Planning with Graphs of Geodesically-Convex Sets Thomas B Cohn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)*, Mark Petersen (Harvard University), Max Simchowitz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Russ Tedrake (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
2 Convex Geometric Motion Planning on Lie Groups via Moment Relaxation Sangli Teng (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)*, Ashkan Jasour (Jet Propulsion Laboratory), Ram Vasudevan (University of Michigan), Maani Ghaffari Jadidi (University of Michigan)
3 G∗: A New Approach to Bounding Curvature Constrained Shortest Paths through Dubins Gates Satyanarayana Gupta Manyam (Infoscitex Corp.), Abhishek Nayak (Texas A&M University ), Sivakumar Rathinam (Texas A&M University )*
4 Motion Planning (In)feasibility Detection using a Prior Roadmap via Path and Cut Search Yoonchang Sung (UT Austin)*, Peter Stone (UT Austin and Sony AI)
5 Sequence-Based Plan Feasibility Prediction for Efficient Task and Motion Planning Zhutian Yang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)*, Caelan R Garrett (NVIDIA), Tomas Lozano-Perez (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Leslie Kaelbling (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Dieter Fox (NVIDIA)
6 Reachability-based Trajectory Design with Neural Implicit Safety Constraints Jonathan B Michaux (University of Michigan)*, Yong Seok Kwon (University of Michigan), Qingyi Chen (University of Michigan), Ram Vasudevan (University of Michigan)
7 Progressive Learning for Physics-informed Neural Motion Planning Ruiqi Ni (Purdue University)*, Ahmed H Qureshi (Purdue University)
8 iPlanner: Imperative Path Planning Fan Yang (ETH Zürich)*, Chen Wang (State University of New York at Buffalo), Cesar Cadena (ETH Zürich), Marco Hutter (ETH Zürich)
1 Efficient volumetric mapping of multi-scale environments using wavelet-based compression Victor Reijgwart (ETH Zürich)*, Cesar Cadena (ETH Zürich), Roland Siegwart (ETH Zürich), Lionel Ott (The University of Sydney)
2 ConceptFusion: Open-set multimodal 3D mapping Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)*, Alihusein Kuwajerwala (Université de Montréal), Qiao Gu (University of Toronto), Mohd Omama (IIIT Hyderabad), Ganesh Iyer (Amazon), Soroush Saryazdi (Concordia University), Tao Chen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Alaa Maalouf (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 
3 ERASOR2: Instance-Aware Robust 3D Mapping of the Static World in Dynamic Scenes Hyungtae Lim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology), Lucas Nunes (University of Bonn), Benedikt Mersch (University of Bonn), Xieyuanli Chen (the College of Intelligence Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology), Jens Behley (University of Bonn), Hyun Myung 
4 NeuSE: Neural SE(3)-Equivariant Embedding for Consistent Spatial Understanding with Objects Jiahui Fu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)*, Yilun Du (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Kurran Singh (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Joshua Tenenbaum (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), John Leonard (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
5 POV-SLAM: Probabilistic Object-Aware Variational SLAM in Semi-Static Environments Jingxing Qian (University of Toronto)*, Veronica Chatrath (Technical University Munich), James Servos (Clearpath Robotics), Aaron Mavrinac (Clearpath Robotics), Wolfram Burgard (University of Technology, Nuremberg), Steven L Waslander (University of Toronto), Angela Schoellig (Technical University Munich)
6 InstaLoc: One-shot Global Lidar Localisation in Indoor Environments through Instance Learning Lintong Zhang (University of Oxford)*, Sundara Tejaswi Digumarti (University of Oxford), Georgi Tinchev (Amazon), Maurice Fallon (University of Oxford)
7 HDVIO: Improving Localization and Disturbance Estimation with Hybrid Dynamics VIO Giovanni Cioffi (University of Zürich)*, Leonard Bauersfeld (University of Zürich), Davide Scaramuzza (University of Zürich)
8 Fast Monocular Visual-Inertial Initialization Leveraging Learned Single-View Depth Nathaniel W Merrill (University of Delaware)*, Patrick Geneva (University of Delaware), Saimouli Katragadda (University of Delaware), Chuchu Chen (University of Delaware), Guoquan Huang (University of Delaware)
1 CoDEPS: Online Continual Learning for Depth Estimation and Panoptic Segmentation Niclas Vödisch (University of Freiburg), Kürsat Petek (University of Freiburg)*, Wolfram Burgard (University of Technology, Nuremberg), Abhinav Valada (University of Freiburg)
2 CLIP-Fields: Weakly Supervised Semantic Fields for Robotic Memory Nur Muhammad ❨Mahi❩ Shafiullah (New York University)*, Chris Paxton (Meta AI), Lerrel Pinto (New York University), Soumith Chintala (Meta), Arthur Szlam (Meta)
3 How To Not Train Your Dragon: Training-free Embodied Object Goal Navigation with Semantic Frontiers Junting Chen (ETH Zürich), Guohao Li (KAUST), Suryansh Kumar (ETH Zürich)*, Bernard Ghanem (KAUST), Fisher Yu (ETH Zürich)
4 A Correct-and-Certify Approach to Self-Supervise Object Pose Estimators via Ensemble Self-Training Jingnan Shi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)*, Rajat Talak (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Dominic Maggio (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Luca Carlone (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
5 CHSEL: Producing Diverse Plausible Pose Estimates from Contact and Free Space Data Sheng Zhong (University of Michigan)*, Dmitry Berenson (University of Michigan), Nima Fazeli (University of Michigan)
6 MultiSCOPE: Disambiguating In-Hand Object Poses with Proprioception and Tactile Feedback Andrea Sipos (University of Michigan)*, Nima Fazeli (University of Michigan)
7 Tactile-Filter: Interactive Tactile Perception for Part Mating Kei Ota (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)*, Devesh K Jha (MERL), Hsiao-Yu Tung (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Joshua Tenenbaum (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
8 Integrated Object Deformation and Contact Patch Estimation from Visuo-Tactile Feedback Mark J Van der Merwe (University of Michigan)*, Youngsun Wi (University of Michigan), Dmitry Berenson (University of Michigan), Nima Fazeli (University of Michigan)
1 Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion based Optical Flow Control for Flying Robots: An Efficient Data-driven Approach Hann Woei Ho (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Delft University of Technology), Ye Zhou (Universiti Sains Malaysia)*
2 Time Optimal Ergodic Search Dayi E Dong (Yale University), Henry P Berger (Yale University), Ian Abraham (Yale University)*
3 RADIUS: Risk-Aware, Real-Time, Reachability-Based Motion Planning Challen Enninful Adu (University of Michigan)*, Jinsun Liu (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), Lucas Lymburner (University of Michigan), Vishrut Kaushik (University of Michigan), Lena Trang (University of Michigan), Ram Vasudevan (University of Michigan)
4 Robust Safety under Stochastic Uncertainty with Discrete-Time Control Barrier Functions Ryan Cosner (Caltech)*, Preston Culbertson (Stanford University), Andrew Taylor (Caltech), Aaron Ames (Caltech)
5 Solving Stabilize-Avoid via Epigraph Form Optimal Control using Deep Reinforcement Learning Oswin So (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)*, Chuchu Fan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
6 Bridging Active Exploration and Uncertainty-Aware Deployment Using Probabilistic Ensemble Neural Network Dynamics Taekyung Kim (Agency for Defense Development)*, Jungwi Mun (Agency for Defense Development), Junwon Seo (Agency for Defense Development), Beomsu Kim (Agency for Defense Development), Seongil Hong (Agency for Defense Development)
7 Demonstrating RFUniverse: A Multiphysics Simulation Platform for Embodied AI Haoyuan Fu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)*, Wenqiang Xu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Ruolin Ye (Cornell University), Han Xue (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Zhenjun Yu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Tutian Tang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Yutong Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), 
8 Demonstrating Arena-Web: A Web-based Development and Benchmarking Platform for Autonomous Navigation Approaches Linh Kästner (Technical University Berlin)*, Reyk Carstens (Technical University Berlin), Lena Nahrwold (Technical University Berlin), Christopher Liebig (Technical University Berlin), Volodymyr Shcherbyna (Technical University Berlin), Subhin Lee (Technical University Berlin), Jens Lambrecht (Technical University Berlin)
1 LEAP Hand: Low-Cost, Efficient, and Anthropomorphic Hand for Robot Learning Kenneth Shaw (Carnegie Mellon University)*, Ananye Agarwal (Carnegie Mellon University), Deepak Pathak (Carnegie Mellon University)
2 ROSE: Rotation-based Squeezing Robotic Gripper toward Universal Handling of Objects Son Tien Bui (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Shinya Kawano (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Van Anh Ho (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)*
3 An Efficient Multi-solution Solver for the Inverse Kinematics of 3-Section Constant-Curvature Robots Ke Qiu (Zhejiang University), Jingyu Zhang (Zhejiang University), Danying Sun (Zhejiang University), Rong Xiong (Zhejiang University), Haojian LU (Zhejiang University), Yue Wang (Zhejiang University)*
4 Predefined-Time Convergent Motion Control for Heterogeneous Continuum Robots Ning Tan (Sun Yat-Sen University)*, Peng Yu (Sun Yat-Sen University), Kai Huang (Sun Yat-Sen University)
5 Adaptive Tracking Control of Dielectric Elastomer Soft Actuators with Viscoelastic Hysteresis Compensation Yunhua Zhao (Beihang University)*, Li Wen (Beihang University)
6 Gait design for limbless obstacle aided locomotion using geometric mechanics Baxi Chong (Georgia Tech)*, Tianyu Wang (Georgia Tech), Daniel Irvine (Georgia Tech), Velin Kojouharov (Georgia Tech), Bo Lin (Georgia Tech), Howie Choset (Carnegie Mellon University), Daniel Goldman (Georgia Tech), Grigoriy Blekherman (Georgia Tech)
7 Reconfigurable Robot Control Using Flexible Coupling Mechanisms Sha Yi (Carnegie Mellon University)*, Katia Sycara (Carnegie Mellon University), Zeynep Temel (Carnegie Mellon University)
8 Co-optimization of Morphology and Behavior of Modular Robots via Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning Jieqiang Sun (Jilin University), Meibao Yao (Jilin University)*, Xueming Xiao (Changchun University Of Science And Technology), Zhibing Xie (Jilin University), Bo Zheng (Shanghai Aerospace Control Technology Institute)
1 Active Velocity Estimation using Light Curtains via Self-Supervised Multi-Armed Bandits Siddharth Ancha (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)*, Gaurav Pathak (Adobe), Ji Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University), Srinivasa Narasimhan (Carnegie Mellon University), David Held (Carnegie Mellon University)
2 Self-Supervised Lidar Place Recognition in Overhead Imagery Using Unpaired Data Tim Y. Tang (University of Oxford)*, Daniele De Martini (University of Oxford), Paul M Newman (University of Oxford)
3 Metric-Free Exploration for Topological Mapping by Task and Motion Imitation in Feature Space Yuhang He (University of Oxford), Irving Fang (New York University), Yiming Li (New York University), Rushi Bhavesh Shah (New York University), Chen Feng (New York University)*
4 Task-Aware Risk Estimation of Perception Failures for Autonomous Vehicles Pasquale Antonante (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)*, Sushant Veer (NVIDIA), Karen Leung (NVIDIA), Xinshuo Weng (NVIDIA), Luca Carlone (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Marco Pavone (NVIDIA)
5 CCIL: Context-conditioned imitation learning for urban driving Ke Guo (The University of Hong Kong)*, Wei Jing (Alibaba), Junbo Chen (Alibaba ), Jia Pan (The University of Hong Kong)
6 Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving with Parameterized Skills and Priors Letian Wang (University of Toronto), Jie Liu (Beihang University), Hao Shao (Tsinghua University), Wenshuo Wang (McGill University), Ruobing Chen (Sensetime Group), Yu Liu (Sensetime Group)*, Steven L Waslander (University of Toronto)
7 TerrainNet: Visual Modeling of Complex Terrain for High-speed, Off-road Navigation Xiangyun Meng (University of Washington)*, Nathan Hatch (University of Washington), Alexander Lambert (University of Washington), Anqi Li (University of Washington), Nolan Wagener (Georgia Tech), Matthew Schmittle (University of Washington), JoonHo Lee (University of Washington), Wentao Yuan (University of Washington), Zoey 
8 Autonomous Navigation, Mapping and Exploration with Gaussian Processes Mahmoud ALI (Indiana University)*, Hassan Jardali (Indiana University), Nicholas Roy (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Lantao Liu (Indiana University)
1 Graph Attention Multi-Agent Fleet Autonomy for Advanced Air Mobility Malintha Fernando (Indiana University)*, Ransalu Senanayake (Stanford University), Heeyoul Choi (Indiana University), Martin Swany (Indiana University)
2 Path Planning for Multiple Tethered Robots Using Topological Braids Muqing Cao (Nanyang Technological University ), Kun Cao (Nanyang Technological University ), Shenghai Yuan (Nanyang Technological University ), Kangcheng Liu (Nanyang Technological University), Yan Loi Wong (National University of Singapore), Lihua Xie (Nanyang Technological University )*
3 A Sampling-Based Approach for Heterogeneous Coalition Scheduling with Temporal Uncertainty Andrew Messing (Georgia Tech), Jacopo Banfi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)*, Martina Stadler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Ethan Stump (US Army Research Laboratory), Harish Ravichandar (Georgia Tech), Nicholas Roy (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Seth Hutchinson (Georgia Tech)
4 Concurrent Constrained Optimization of Unknown Rewards for Multi-Robot Task Allocation Sukriti Singh (Georgia Tech)*, Anusha Srikanthan (University of Pennsylvania), Vivek Mallampati (Georgia Tech), Harish Ravichandar (Georgia Tech)
5 Bandit Submodular Maximization for Multi-Robot Coordination in Unpredictable and Partially Observable Environments Zirui Xu (University of Michigan)*, Xiaofeng Lin (University of Michigan), Vasileios Tzoumas (University of Michigan)
6 Distributed Hierarchical Distribution Control for Very-Large-Scale Clustered Multi-Agent Systems Augustinos D Saravanos (Georgia Tech)*, Yihui Li (Georgia Tech), Evangelos Theodorou (Georgia Tech)
7 Decentralization and Acceleration Enables Large-Scale Bundle Adjustment Taosha Fan (Meta AI)*, Joseph Ortiz (Imperial College London), Ming Hsiao (Meta), Maurizio Monge (Meta), Jing Dong (Meta), Todd Murphey (Northwestern University), Mustafa Mukadam (Meta AI)
8 Active Collaborative Localization in Heterogeneous Robot Teams Igor Spasojevic (University of Pennsylvania)*, Xu Liu (University of Pennsylvania), Alejandro Ribeiro (University of Pennsylvania), George J. Pappas (University of Pennsylvania), Vijay Kumar (University of Pennsylvania)

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